Individual Carrels

In case of problems, questions, or suggestions, please contact the librarians at the Information Desk on Floor 1 or 2 (during the Patron services hours), or let us know at
If you cannot open the reserved carrel, please call 232 002 981, or contact the librarians.

An individual carrel is ideal for concentrated study. Carrels are located on Floor 6.

  • Only Patrons of specific patron groups (students at partner universities, postgraduate students, university teachers, researchers) are authorized to use carrels.
  • The rental of the carrel is possible for 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month, depending on your User group.
  • To rent the carrel you also need to have sufficient credit on your NTK Financial account.
  • Carrels can be used during the self-service opening hours.
  • Rentals can be made through the online Reservation system (see How to Reserve the Carrel) or with the assistance of librarians at the Information Desk on Floor 1 or 2 (during the Patron services hours).
  • You can access the carrel at the time of your rental using your library card.
  • We kindly ask you to comply with the rules on the usage of individual carrels.
  • Newly registered users and users with a newly registered ID chip card can reserve study rooms one hour after they register/or register their new ID chip card (due to time delays in updating library systems).


INFO: krpano 1.17.4 (build 2014-06-04)
INFO: Desktop/Linux x86_64 - WebGL
INFO: Registered to: Petr Vocelka

Conditions of the Rental

The service is available to registered NTK patrons who are:

  • Students of partner universities (VŠCHT, ČVUT, ČZU) + have valid ISIC/student card registered at NTK system,
  • Ph.D. students,
  • Professors,
  • Researchers from Czech universities,
  • Researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Only certain patron groups with temporary or permanent Czech residence can use the service.
If you don't know your group, check it after the login to your NTK User Account at the Main account page or contact the librarians at the Information Desk on Floor 1 or 2 (during the Patron services hours). 

Upon request, users of individual carrels for disabled patrons (no. 7 and no. 21) need to show proof of disability to the staff (e.g., Czech social security disability document, proof of disability, a disability Insurance card, or a medical report) while using the carrel.

Valid registration for the entire rental period is required as well as sufficient credit on your NTK Financial account.

Length, Price of the Rental, and Patron Groups

The minimal rental period of individual carrels is 1 day, week, or month during the semester depending on the carrel chosen and the patron group.

Eligible Patron Groups NTK User Group Rental Period
(during the self-service hours for the whole NTK)
No. of Available Individual Carrels  Price
University students (undergr., graduate) - partner institutions


week (always Monday-Sunday)***

1, 3, 22-27


50 CZK

350 CZK

Ph.D. students, Professors, Researchers  A, AC, AU, AV month (starting the 1st day of the month)*** 2, 4-6, 8-10,
1 150 CZK
Patrons with disabilities** all the above-mentioned groups 
+ B, E


week  (always Monday- Sunday)***



50 CZK

350 CZK

*Partner institutions: VŠCHT, ČVUT, ČZU, ÚOCHB (signed the Cooperation Contract with NTK)
**Disabled= need to prove the disability (e.g. Czech social security disability document, proof of disability, a disability Insurance card, or a medical report) while using the carrel
***Week - always Monday-Sunday, all weekly rentals end on Sundays! Monthly rentals always start on the 1st day of the month and end on the last day of the given monthPlease, ignore the wrong end date in the Reservation system (Monday/1st day of the next month), we are currently working to fix this problem.

  • Rentals for the week are always Monday - Sunday, monthly rentals from the 1st day of the month till the last day of the given month.
    The rental periods are fixed as well as their beginnings/ends and cannot be changed (e.g. it is not possible to reserve/pay for only part of the month if the carrel has a monthly rental period; however, it is possible to rent the carrel after the beginning of the given month for the full price).
  • Payments are deducted from the user´s NTK Financial account, you need to have sufficient credit on your NTK account at the time of your reservation.

How to Rent the Carrel 

Rentals can be made through the online Reservation system (see How to Reserve the Carrel) or with the assistance of librarians at the Information Desk on Floor 1 or 2 (during the Patron services hours). To rent the carrel you need to fit in one of the eligible User groups, have a valid NTK registration for the time of the rental, and a sufficient deposit on your NTK Financial account. 

In case of rental of an individual carrel for Patrons with disabilities (no.7 and 21), the Patron needs to be able to present (upon request, while using the carrel) a document proving his/her disability (e.g. Czech social security disability document, proof of disability, a disability Insurance card, or a medical report).

Cancelation of the Reservation

Reservations can be canceled (and fully refunded) at least 24 hours before the start of the rental period. Cancellations (and refunds) less than 24 hours before the beginning of the rental period are not possible (also in the case of weekly and monthly rentals).

The reservation can be canceled online, in person at the Information desks on Floor 1 or 2 during the Patron services hours, or via email to (always mention your user ID and reservation number). 


Rules for the Use of Individual Carrels 

  • Carrels can be used during the self-service opening hours

    • Only the person who made the rental can access the room using his/her library card. The Patron (carrel tenant) may not permit the entry of unauthorized persons and takes responsibility for his/her guests.

    • Patrons must check the carrel before accepting it and report any identified damage, otherwise they will be responsible for, and will fully compensate, all damage caused.
    • It is forbidden to take out, bring in or move furnishings, equipment, chairs etc. and manipulate the furnishings of the carrel in any other manner. The number of study places is limited by the capacity of the relevant carrel. 

    • Loud activities (e.g. phone calls) are not allowed in the carrels. 

    • For the duration of the rental period, the Patron may only study and keep in the Study Room documents properly borrowed using their Patron Account. The Patron must return documents from the Open Stacks intended for on-site study to the designated place at the end of the opening hours on the relevant day. 

    • At the end of the rental, the Patron is obliged to leave the carrel cleaned and not damaged. The end of the rental is the end of the day for daily rentals (even in the case of rental for several consecutive days, the carrel has to be empty at the end of each day of the rental), in the case of weekly rentals end of the week (Sunday) and in the case of monthly rentals the last day of the month.
      Personal belongings (clothes, electronics, bags) left in the carrel after the end of the rental will be stored at the NTK reception desk (1st floor, entrance NTK3), books returned (even non-NTK books), and other items (papers, food, etc) will be thrown away. 

    •  Carrel tenants may invite a guest into their rented carrel and also borrow a chair from the Open Stacks for this purpose. The borrowed chair must be returned after the visit. The carrel tenant is fully responsible for the guest and for any damage they cause.

    •  It is forbidden to keep any type of food, anything perishable or alive, dangerous objects, and any chemicals in the carrel.  

    • Cleaning of the carrels is done on daily basis at night. 

    • Detailed conditions for the use of carrels are specified in the Library Regulations (Appendix X).
    Editor: Kristina Millerová Last modified: 31.1. 2025 13:01