Registration & Entry

We offer citizens of Ukraine free one year registration for the National Library of Technology. You will need to verify your identity (e.g. passport or visa) to get free WIFI and access to computers providing free internet connection and printing and copying services. You can also charge your mobile phone or laptop.

Для громадян України пропонуємо безкоштовну річну реєстрацію в Національній технічній бібліотеці. При реєстрації отримаєте можливість: під’єднатися до WIFI у всьому приміщенні бібліотеки, доступ до комп’ютерів з мережою Інтернет, друкування та копіювання документів,зарядка гаджетів (ноутбуки, телефони і т. ін.). Для реєстрації потрібні лише документи, що посвідчують особу (паспорт чи віза).


Registering allows you to take advantage of a wide array of services.

You can register during Patron Services hours.

Benefits of registration

Once you're registered, you'll be entitled to do the following:

Check your privileges using the Access & Privileges Tool.

Even if you do not register, you can enter the library using a free entrance pass.

What you need to register


  • Identity card (EU country), passport, visa, or residence permit
  • 100 CZK for one year (50 CZK for a half year). Students, people older than 65 years and disabled pensioners have a 50% discount.
  • UCT Prague, IOCB and CULS students/professors/staff: Registration is free.
  • A card with your name/photo which will serve as your customer card (e.g., ISIC, ITIC, OpenCard, Lítačka, ČD In-karta). If you do not have a chip card, we will make one (fee: 200 CZK).
  • Proof of residence (official residence permit, valid lease agreement, dormitory card, paper from the foreign police, telephone or electricity bill. It must mention your name and your address)

Legal representatives of an organization

  • A certificate of incorporation, business license, or other proof of the organization’s establishment
  • Two copies of a registration contract, including your organization’s official stamp and signature of an official representative
  • Your valid personal passport or identity card
  • 1000 CZK for one year (300 CZK for one year in case of University or high school)
  • For renewal of the registration please print and fill the registration contract twice the same way as you would for a new registration. (Please check the steps above)

A legal representative cannot use individual study carrels and - because of license agreement restrictions - cannot use our eResources.

Registration process

  1. If you want to save time, pre-register first. Then come to the library within 30 days to complete the process.
  2. Print a registration ticket from the ticket machine (near the main library turnstiles; select Registration).
  3. When your ticket number appears on the monitors, scan it to enter the library through the turnstiles.
  4. Go to the registration desk to the firs floor.
  5. After registering, you will receive a printed contract stating what privileges and services you are entitled to; feel free to ask any questions at the desk.

Renewing your registration


    You can renew in person at the registration desk on the first floor . The process, fees, and documents required are the same as above.

    If you cannot come to the library in person, you can still renew your registration remotely by logging into your account online ("My Account" tab). You can renew your registration 60 days before it expires or even after it's expired (note that expiration dates depend on your patron group that you can find in your patron contract).

Legal representatives of an organization

    To renew the contract as an organization, the legal representatives must come in person to the registration desk on the 1st floor of the library with the contract printed and completed in 2 copies, each with the organization stamp and signatures of the governing body (Copies of the contract can be printed in advance before you come to NTK to complete the registration renewal).

Specimen of Contract

Remote Registration

Remote registration is possible for new patrons.

Remote registration entitles you to remote access to electronic resources. The only requirement for remote registration is that you must be an EU citizen have proof of residence in the Czech Republic.

If you wish to register remotely, please do NOT fill out the online pre-registration form.


  • Fill out the remote registration form.
  • Confirmation that we’ve received the form will be sent to the email address you gave us, and a prefilled contract will be attached to it. Please check details in contract, print it 2 times, and send both copies to this address: Národní technická knihovna – oddělení služeb, Technická 6, 160 80 Praha 6. (If there’s an error in the contract, please contact us at:
  • Owners of a Czech Post data mailbox can upload a scan of the two signed contracts to NTK’s data mailbox. DS Identifier is: syd69w9.
  • After receiving the signed contracts by post or data mailbox, we will send you an email including payment instructions (necessary for completing the registration process). We must receive payment no later than 30 days after you receive the payment instructions email.
  • We will send one copy of the signed contract back to you by post or to your data mailbox after receiving a payment to your NTK financial account.

Registered users are included in Patron Group H (see Appendix II. Service Differentiation Principles [Patron Privileges]).

Public Entry

NTK is open to all. While registering with the library gives you access to a wide range of services, you do not have to register with the library.

What you can do without registering

Access & Privileges

These policies apply to the National Library of Technology (NTK) and to members of the University of Chemistry and Technology community (ChemTK).

The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Central Library, situated on the 5th floor, has separate access requirements and borrowing policies; please consult them at the appropriate information desk (second floor) to learn more.

Before registering, you can use the Access & Privileges Tool to find out your patron category and its specific privileges that you would have.

Please note we retain the right to revoke access privileges for users of any category; be sure to follow the library rules.

Questions? Please contact us or ask our staff.

Patron Categories (Group)

The following are the most common categories for our English-speaking users:

ChemTK/UCT Prague Community (Students, PhDs, Faculty & Staff)

Registration is free for you.

You can search both NTK and ChemTK materials using our catalog. You can also use the ChemTK website.

You can access all NTK and ChemTK eResources at home using UCT Prague VPN Client.

Non-Czech Citizens

The following doesn't apply if you are a UCT Prague student or employee.

If you don't have a temporary or permanent residence in the Czech Republic, you may not be able to:

  • Check out materials for home use.
  • Access eResources from home.
  • Reserve individual study carrels or team rooms.

However, if you're registered, you can still:

  • Access all eResources in the library from our computers or your own laptop using our WiFi.
  • Use print/scan/copy machines.
  • Enter the After Hours Study Room.


How to renew your NTK registration online

 (+420) 232 002 535

See also

Contracts for download



Editor: Edita Jindráková Last modified: 26.3. 2025 13:03