Complaints for Rentals

  1. Fill out the online form below.

The library will process each complaint procedure within 15 days. For information about the status of your complaint, ask library staff in person or contact us via email.

Complaint Form - Booking and Reserving Study Rooms
Data in format "29275"
Date in format " - hh:mm"

Where to find...

  1. Log in to My account in the top right corner of and choose Reservation system.

  2. Choose Seznam rezervací/Reservation List.

  3. Booking number can be found in the left column.

  1. Log in to My account in the top right corner and choose Reservation system.

  2. Choose Seznam rezervací/Reservation List.

  3. Date and time when you booked your room.

(+420) 232 002 535

See also

Editor: Edita Jindráková Last modified: 9.3. 2023 10:03